Thursday, December 11, 2014

2014 Gratitude Series #1

I'm starting my gratitude series for this year from today, my usual end of the year series. So here goes #1

Yesterday morning while driving to office, it was raining and the road was wet and slippery. Since it was  before 8 am, traffic was light and I was going at a fair clip.
A mini bus, one of the many transport vehicles on OMR which ferries passengers in this stretch scuttled into my lane. I was in the 1st lane, adjoining the pavement and was going in a relaxed manner and was peeved at this guy cutting in. But since he was going at a good pace and seemed to be accelerating, I didn't slow down and was just going to pick up some more pace so I could follow in his wake.
But suddenly this guy just braked and stopped, just when I was accelerating hoping to keep up with him. In a split second I had to slam my brakes and veer the steering to avoid climbing onto his back side.
It got my heart pumping and adrenalin flowing into my veins and probably shaved a few years off my life too. The acid rose in my threat and my head was flooding with choice epithets to throw his way, but I took a deep breath and stopped myself. Instead of four letter words, I chose to thank him for saving me from disaster and giving me time to avoid him. I thanked God for giving me the time to react well and change speed and direction to avoid the crash. I thanked my car for responding well and avoiding the mishap. And then I thanked the driver, again and again.
The acid taste dissappeared. The pulse came down to normal. My heart stopped pounding and my whole body and mind settled down again to its normal state of peace and calm.
My son who was next to me was immune to all this. He was swotting for his exam, we were on the way to his model exams (12th Std) and his equilibrium was not disturbed because his father had not flown into a rage.
In a few minutes I became normal again and went on my way without this incident marring the rest of my day.
I'm grateful to God for giving me the ability to choose my mood. I thank the driver for showing me that I was still human and was capable of anger inspite of all the inner tinkering that I'm doing and more importantly, thank him for giving me the crucial few split seconds needed to turn the car away from disaster. I'm grateful for my car, the ever reliable Toyota Corolla for backing me up and responding.
Thank you Lord for yesterday and today and all the good things you're bringing me tomorrow.
Feel grateful for every little thing in your life. It could save your life.
Thank you for reading this. Have a lovely day / night :)

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